By Megan Erickson Moritz
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York
and Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut
will be introducing legislation that would offer American workers paid leave
to care for a new child.
Currently, the Family Medical Leave Act entitles qualified
employees to twelve weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave. FMLA leave, however, is generally available only
to workers who have been employed for at least 12 months by a company that has
50 or more employees. That means about 40-50%
of US workers don’t qualify. The U.S. remains
the only industrialized country that has no paid maternity leave program. In fact, the U.S.
is one of only a handful of countries in the world not to offer paid leave
(among Papua New Guinea , Liberia , and Suriname ). Most of Europe and Central
Asia offer paid maternity leave; 31 countries provide a year or
more of paid leave.
Although programs allowing paid leave often result in saved money for companies (in terms of
lower turnover and better long-term productivity), American business owners
have strongly opposed such initiatives in the past. This
isn’t the first time lawmakers have unsuccessfully proposed federal
legislation for paid parental leave. Particularly
in light of the proposed amount of annual leave Gillibrand and DeLauro seek in
their bill (12 weeks, which is twice as long as the 6 weeks offered by the two
state programs), together with its proposed funding mechanism, it’s unlikely this current proposal would pass,
either. It will be interesting, however,
to see if this bill spurs further dialogue on the topic